Earthquake Relief Project Kilis and Idlib
Our orphanages were evacuated and the children are still in shock. However, the material damage appears to be enormous.
Our local partner organization Spendahilfe e.V. is also in continuous contact with those affected in Syria. On the Turkish side, several organizations and humanitarian associations have already arrived and are providing assistance. On the Syrian side, however, drastic conditions continue to prevail. Many people are homeless and struggling to survive. The situation is catastrophic and the support there has long been exhausted. Spendahilfe e.V. would like to provide rapid assistance in the form of a tent camp in Idlib (Syria) and is seeking support for this purpose. The camp will serve as a reception center and offer families in need a temporary, warm place to stay. Spendahilfe e.V. has already built several tent camps in recent years and has the necessary resources on site. Heated tents for families with children in need are planned, including necessary materials such as blankets, sleeping bags, etc. (costs per family are about 300€). In addition, a mobile kitchen and sanitary facilities will be set up. Sufficient food, hygiene articles, etc. will also be provided.

If you would like to support us, please transfer the urgently needed donations with the payment reference “Kilis earthquake” to:
People Share Private Foundation
100% of every contribution goes to the project as emergency aid, so that the immediate need will be alleviated and in further steps a swift reconstruction will give the children and their families back their regular everyday life.
Heartfelt thanks!